Acupuncture is a natural method of treatment that involves no chemicals or surgery. Free flowing Chi results in a healthy and pain free body. Large bodies of research have been able to establish a connection between acupuncture and relief from back pain-especially sciatica.
Back Pain Acupuncture Treatments
Sciatica refers to a type of back pain in which the pain radiates from the buttocks down the legs. Sometimes, sciatica pain can also be a consequence of a muscle spasm impinging on the sciatica nerve. The results are almost immediate and can provide relief within minutes.
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Muscle spasms are common in such cases and result in the individual feeling sore, stiff and a dull ache in the back. Patients suffering from sciatica may even feel a tingling sensation or numbness. This is generally due to the narrowing of the disc space or a disc protrusion in the lumbar region.
Acupuncture is used to improve blood circulation. it relaxes para spinal muscles and provides relief from muscle spasms. The increased blood flow provides greater nourishment to the discs and increases the elasticity and strengthens the spinal cord. Thus, acupuncture can be extremely effective in reducing back pain symptoms. It is important to remember that different patients respond differently to acupuncture sessions and it can take anywhere between 4-12 sessions to really feel the difference.
Relieve Lower Back Pain by Using the 3 Lumbar Acupuncture Points:
Professor Jin Rui has defined his 3 Lumbar Points consists of Shenshu (BL23), Dachangshu (BL25) and Weizhong (BL40). Dachangshu is a primary acupoint to treat pathological changes in the lumbar vertebrae; it is also an important acupoint in treating back and leg pain as evidenced by the classical text.
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Different Types of Hip Pain That Acupuncture Can Treat
Hip arthritis
The ends of bones are protected by cartilage to prevent the bones on a joint from rubbing against each other. Pain caused by hip osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage wears out. The symptoms of hip arthritis addressed by acupuncture services include pain, stiffness, tingling, tenderness, loss of flexibility and bone spurs.
Sciatica refers to the pain that occurs due to an underlying nerve abnormality, mainly because of a herniated disk or other factors that create pressure on the sciatic nerve. The symptoms of sciatica include pain along the pathway of the sciatic nerve, numbness and shooting pains into the back or leg, and weakness in the legs.
Hip Bursitis
Hip bursitis occurs when the small fluid-filled bursae found between bones, tendons muscles become inflamed. The causes of hip bursitis include manual labor, repetitive sports motion, and prolonged kneeling. Therefore, acupuncture for hip pain can deal with the common symptoms of hip bursitis including hip pain from movement, stiff hips, redness and swelling of the hip.
good one, Thanks for sharing.
Very usefull article about acupuncture, keep it up
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