How to Get Your Back Shape in Back Pain

Back Pain affects 4 out of 5 adults in America at some time in their life. Back pain can range from a nagging discomfort to agonizing pain. Pain medication can offer temporary relief of pain but it does not address the root of the problem. Back pain occurs due to various causes and in 90% of the back pain cases, the pain disappears easily by various back pain treatment. However, proper medical advice and treatment is essential in cases where the pain persists for a long time.

Here are 10 tips to condition your back to stay healthy, strong, and pain free :

1.Lose Weight:

Excess weight puts a strain on the back muscles which causes pain or exacerbates existing pain. If you are overweight the single best thing you can do is to lose weight.

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Regular aerobic exercise increases strength and endurance in the back muscles. This in turn allows the muscles to function better. Walking, swimming, biking, or elliptical machines are good choices.

3.Abdominal Crunches

Stomach muscles work together with back muscles to support the spine. Crunches strengthen stomach muscles and take strain off of the back.

4.Stop Smoking:

Smoking causes diminished oxygen levels in the spinal tissues. This can interfere with the healing process and make back pain worse.


Click here: How to Get Your Back Shape in Back Pain

5.Stand Correct:

Standing for long periods of time with poor posture causes back pain. Maintain a neutral pelvic position while standing. If you must stand for long periods of time, take the load off your lower back by alternately placing your feet on a low footstool.

6.Sit Correct:

Don’t hunch over your desk or keyboard. Use a chair with good lower back support and arm rests.

7.Lift Correct:

Keep your back straight and bend only at the knees. Hold what you are lifting close to the body. Avoid lifting and twisting at the same time.

8.Sleep Correct:

People with back pain should use a medium-firm mattress. Use pillows for support. Avoid pillows that force your neck up at a severe angle. If you sleep on your side, placing a pillow between your legs may help you sleep better.


9.Wear Correct Shoes:

Ladies wearing high heels with back pain is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Low heels are the way to go if you suffer from back pain.

10.Get Up and Move:

If you stay seated in one position for too long your back muscles will tighten and spasm. Take a break to stretch every hour or so during long drives. If your job is sedentary, likewise, get up, stretch, and walk around periodically.

Back Pain Treatment

Back pain treatment is effective if the exact cause is identified. The severity of back pain may vary from a dull ache to searing feeling. It may be due a strain in the muscles or an injury or problems like Osteoarthritis, arthritis, bone fracture or tumor or some infection. Although back pain may emerge suddenly, it may be caused by a problem, which has plagued us for a long time. It is essential that we identify the true cause of the back pain, if we want to eliminate or treat it fully.

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A number of back pain treatment options are available for people suffering from back pain. However, the treatment may vary from person to person depending on the cause or the reason for the back pain. The exact nature of the pain and its severity can be judged by a specialist who will than suggest the most appropriate treatment.

Exercising is the best back pain treatment. It is a general notion that bed rest is the best cure for back pain. But evidence has shown that rest does not aid in the recovery of a person suffering from Back pain. It is much better if one carries on with normal activities while taking some measures for relieving the pain. The most recommended exercises for curing back pain are short walks, stretching exercises and swimming. However, it is advisable that one starts slowly and than gradually builds up the speed at which the various exercises are undertaken.

Best Beds and Mattresses for Back Pain

Beds and mattresses play a very important role in the keeping your back in good shape. After a day full of twists and turns, and bending and straightening, your back requires good rest. Beds and mattresses that do not support the back properly can add to the back strain, besides, affecting the quality of sleep

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It is important for people suffering from back pain to opt for beds and mattresses that support their back and not put it under additional stress or strain. Not much research has been done on the type of beds and mattresses required for patients with back pain. However, it is seen that adjustable beds suit people with back pain better. The angle of inclination can be adjusted to a position where the patient feels most comfortable. Patients suffering from degenerative spondylolisthesis do benefit from an inclined bed with support under the knees. They can tuck in enough pillows or cushions under the knees and adjust the angle of inclination to provide comfort to the painful back. The mattress should be neither too hard nor soft. A firm mattress will provide the support needed for a bad back




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