Tips To Relief Reduce Menopause

Although it’s not the worst symptom you can suffer through menopause it’s one which can cause plenty of anxiety and angst among sufferers.

So is there a sure-fire way to relieve the onset of hot flashes? In this article, we’ll highlight five steps you can take to help free you, if only for brief periods, from the incidence of hot flashes.

Lessen The Onset Of Menopause Hot Flashes

We know hot flashes can strike at any time which makes it all the more frustrating and in certain situations, can cause a little embarrassment. Here are five ways you could use to lessen the incidence.

Undoubtedly the best and most reliable way of solving the problem is hormone replacement therapy. The only problem is, it’s getting a bad rap because of the risk of heart disease and cancer. This is something you need to discuss with your doctor.


If you suffer regular bouts of hot flashes then start o log of when it occurs and the possible triggers which causes it. The trick then is to stay away from these triggers.

More details: Health Benefits of Yoga

Try exercise:

The most recommended form of exercise is walking and it has an uncanny ability ability to make women with menopausal symptoms feel a lot better. Recently, yoga has also surfaced as a way to reduce hot flash incidents.

More details: Increasing Your Physical Activity


Find ways to effectively cool the body:

Setting room temperatures to a level below what’s most comfortable is great but then you run the risk of alienating the other members in the home. Wearing light clothing both day and night and if you get chills, put on an extra layer of clothing. Using ice to cool areas such as the wrist and neckline can help as well as cold drinks.

Reducing stress is important:

Deep breathing exercises are a great way to alleviate stress. By doing deep breathing exercises and reducing stress you also cut cut on the heat produced by the body

More details: Tips to Reduce Depression

Natural Tips For Menopause Symptom Relief:

As I made the journey from pre menopause to menopause, I was one of the ‘lucky’ ones to experience dozens of seemingly unrelated symptoms. As I went from one specialist to another, none of them connected the dots, leaving me scared and frustrated. Eventually, after a lot of research, I discovered that most of these symptoms were actually hormone-related. Here are a few simple tips to help you find relief from specific symptoms.


Breast Pain- Bras are your friend
Silly though you may feel at first, wearing a comfortable bra that supports the weight of your breasts 24 hours a day will make you a lot more comfortable. Wearing a stretched out bra or one that is the wrong size can also contribute to your pain. Get fitted for a good supporting daytime bra, and perhaps a sports bra for overnight.

Back and Neck Pain 

This is no joke. You may be dragging five to 10 pounds on your shoulder. If you’re beginning to experience shoulder/neck pain, try switching to a mini-pocketbook for a few weeks to see if it makes a difference. Whatever doesn’t fit can be carried in two hands. You’re lugging around way too much stuff anyway!

More details: How to Get Your Back Shape in Back Pain


Migraines – Elimination of Migraine Triggers
Often, migraines are caused by external triggers that, once reduced or eliminated, can provide you with immense relief. This list contains common triggers for migraine. However, you may not be bothered by some of these items, but others not on the list may give you a whopping headache. For instance, I’ve gotten a migraine after sitting next to someone with strong perfume or even eating salad dressing with vinegar in it! When looking for these triggers, you want to think back over the past few hours before a headache started to figure out what may have triggered the headache. If you find a consistent source, you can then eliminate it. For instance, lanolin in hand cream can trigger a migraine for me.


  • Becoming overtired
  • Missed meals/letting your blood sugar fluctuate
  • Bright lights and/or loud noise
  • MSG
  • Foods
  • Chocolate
  • Red wine and other alcohol
  • Foods with nitrates (bacon, deli food)
  • Moldy cheeses


Skin care – Petroleum Jelly
Use plain, old petroleum jelly as a hand/elbow moisturizer. I’m very chemically sensitive, and after trying skin cream after skin cream, I discovered that plain old petroleum jelly worked wonders on my elbows and hands. People think they have to spend lots of money (for lots of ingredients… many of which do more harm than good), but the simple solutions listed above can really help.

Vaginal Irritation 
Perfumed menstrual pads, soap, laundry detergent, fabric softener, even dryer sheets can irritate the vagina. Most products have an unscented version. You can find unscented versions of Purex laundry detergent, Downy fabric softener, and All dryer sheets.


Dump the Salt
It makes you retain water, causing bloating, increases high blood pressure, plus it contributes to excessive calcium loss, which increases the risk of osteoporosis. Unfortunately, salt is prevalent in so many processed foods. Adding it is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Learn to use spices, instead, to flavor your foods.

Artificial sweeteners make you fat
First off, look at a packet of Sweet & Low. Notice anything? The second ingredient is dextrose, which is just another name for sugar. Artificial sweeteners seem to be the mainstay of many dieting women. However, it can not only increase cravings tremendously, but can cause bloating. And this is aside from the other horrific health dangers of sweeteners such as Aspartame (NutraSweet), which is contained in many diet products (especially sodas and chewing gum).

If you are having uncontrollable cravings, try giving up artificial sweeteners for two weeks. I must warn you that the withdrawal can be very uncomfortable. Women don’t realize how addicting these substances are. While you may feel that you cannot survive without the sweet taste of “something,” you will definitely find that foods such as carrots and fruit will taste infinitely sweeter once your palate is cleaned out. If you must have some sweetener, try the herb Stevia, instead. However, as with all non-FDA-approved products, become educated. There is controversy even surrounding this natural sweetener.

No more alcohol


Alcohol is nothing more than refined flour and sugar. It’s either fermented from fruit or grain, or distilled from fruit or grain. It’s terrible for per menopausal skin, not to mention what it does to your liver, etc. During per menopause, you need to find ways to become more, not less, balanced and focused, which alcohol will definitely impair.



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